Robotic Treatments
The Global Robotics Institute offers treatment of many conditions using the da Vinci Surgical System with positive results. The da Vinci Surgical System offers better visualization and increased precision over traditional open and laparoscopic surgery. However, it has been clearly established that the machine alone is not responsible for the outcome, but that the key is physician experience and expertise.
At the GRI, our world-class team has consistently demonstrated superior results in the treatment of patients with prostate cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, benign robotic procedures in gynecology, cancer robotic procedures in gynecology, and fertility treatment. Our clinical successes have been presented as outcomes data at international conferences and have been published in critically reviewed journals worldwide.
How Can AdventHealth Global Robotics Institute Help You? Our Specialties
Robotic Kidney Surgery
Robotic Head and Neck Surgery
Robotic Gynecological Surgery
Robotic Prostate Surgery
Robotic Bladder Surgery